Adult Patterns

Below you will find links to videos and instructions for each of our coloured belt adult patterns. You can stream the videos to your TV/device.

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Adult Tae Kwon-Do

Adult Coloured Belt patterns

Patterns are various fundamental movements, most of which represent either attack or defence techniques, set to a fixed and logical sequence.

The student systematically deals with several imaginary opponents under various assumptions using every available attacking and blocking tool from different directions. Thus pattern practice enables the student to go through many fundamental movements in series, to develop sparring techniques, improve flexibility of movements, master body shifting, build muscle and breath control, develop fluid and smooth motions, and gain rhythmical movements.

The patterns from Yellow Belt to Red Belt are:

Dan Gun (8th Kup)


Action Tae Kwon-Do, Australia's Leading Martial Arts School.

Do San (7th Kup)


Action Tae Kwon-Do, Australia's Leading Martial Arts School.

Won Hyo (6th Kup)


Action Tae Kwon-Do, Australia's Leading Martial Arts School.

Yul Gok (5th Kup)


Action Tae Kwon-Do, Australia's Leading Martial Arts School.

Joong Gun (4th Kup)


Action Tae Kwon-Do, Australia's Leading Martial Arts School.

Toi Gye (3rd Kup)


Action Tae Kwon-Do, Australia's Leading Martial Arts School.

Hwa Rang (2nd Kup)


Action Tae Kwon-Do, Australia's Leading Martial Arts School.

Choong Moo (1st Kup)


Action Tae Kwon-Do, Australia's Leading Martial Arts School.

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