Your first lesson

Welcome to your first class.

See below for info on attending your first class with Action Tae Kwon-Do!

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Your first Class at Action Tae Kwon-Do

Are you preparing for your first ever Tae Kwon-Do lesson?  Here’s a simple checklist below on what to bring along and what to expect out of your first class.

What to bring

  • Comfortable exercise clothes – track pants and a T-shirt
  • Water
  • If you have a phone with you, please make sure it is either off or on silent

Important: Please arrive 10 minutes before class to warm up.

A typical class at Action Tae Kwon-Do involves:

  • Warming up, both before class and with your Instructor
  • Bag work
  • Drill work to practice techniques
  • Patterns
  • Strength-building exercises
  • Stretching

Remember to take the class at your own pace, not go too hard, and make sure you stretch and take opportunities to relax and catch your breath. Pay attention to your Instructor and the other students, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes – it was everyone’s first night once.

Your Instructor will teach you the basic stances of Tae Kwon-Do, including a walking stance, sitting stance and L-stance. From here, you will quickly learn basic techniques, including

  • a punch
  • low, side and rising blocks
  • knife-hand strike
  • front rising kick
  • front snap kick
  • side piercing kick

These techniques and stances are the building blocks of everything you will learn at Action Tae Kwon-Do, and will start you on your journey to black belt.

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