Orange Belt With Three Brown Stripes Pattern
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Orange Belt With Three Brown Stripes

normal speed

slow speed
24 Movements
Parallel Ready Stance
Direction | Technique | Stance |
← | Left high side block with outer fore arm | Walking Stance |
○ | Reverse middle punch with right fore fist | Walking Stance |
→ | Zero truss right high side block with outer fore arm | Walking Stance |
→ | Reverse middle punch with left fore fist | Walking Stance |
↑ | Middle guarding block with left knife hand | L Stance |
↑ | Right middle thrust with straight fingertips | Walking Stance |
↑ | Turn counter clockwise high side strike with left back fist | Walking Stance |
↑ | High side strike with right back fist | Walking Stance |
→ | Left high side block with outer fore arm | Walking Stance |
○ | Reverse middle punch with right fore fist | Walking Stance |
← | Zero truss right high side block with outer fore arm | Walking Stance |
○ | Reverse middle punch with left fore fist |
Walking Stance |
Left high wedging block 45 degrees to the back |
Walking Stance | |
Right middle front kick, leaving hands as before |
Walking Stance | |
○ | Right middle punch with fore fist |
Walking Stance |
○ | Left middle punch with fore fist |
Walking Stance |
Right high wedging block 45 degrees to the back |
Walking Stance | |
Left middle front kick, leaving hands as before | Walking Stance | |
○ | Left middle punch with fore fist | Walking Stance |
○ | Right middle punch with fore fist |
Walking Stance |
↓ | Left rising block with outer fore arm |
Walking Stance |
↓ | Right rising block with outer fore arm |
Walking Stance |
← | Turn counter clockwise middle side strike with left knife hand |
Sitting Stance |
→ | Double step, middle side strike with right knife hand |
Sitting Stance |
Right foot back to ready position