Won Hyo (6th Kup) Pattern

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Won Hyo (6th Kup)

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28 Movements

Closed Ready Stance A

Direction Technique Stance
Left twin fore arm block L Stance
Right high inward strike with knife hand L Stance
Left middle punch with fore fist while slipping the left foot Fixed Stance
Double step, right twin fore arm block L Stance
Left high inward strike with knife hand L Stance
○→ Right middle punch with fore fist while slipping right foot Fixed Stance
Right leg to left leg, position for left side kick Bending Ready
Left middle side piercing kick
Left middle guarding with knife hand L Stance
Right middle guarding with knife hand L Stance
Left middle guarding with knife hand L Stance
Right middle thrust with straight fingertips Walking Stance
Turn counter clockwise, left twin fore arm block L Stance
Right high inward strike with knife hand L Stance
○→ Left middle punch with fore fist, while slipping left foot Fixed Stance
Double step, right twin fore arm block L Stance
Left high inward strike with knife hand L Stance
←○ Right middle punch with fore fist, while slipping right foot Fixed Stance
Right leg to left leg, left leg forward, right circular block Walking Stance
Right low front kick leaving the hands as before
Left reverse middle punch with fore fist Walking Stance
Left circular block Walking Stance
Left low front kick leaving the hands as before
Right reverse middle punch with fore fist Walking Stance
Right leg out and back position for side kick
Bending Ready
Right middle side kick, lower right leg down in front
L Stance
Turn counter clockwise left middle guarding with fore arm
L Stance
Double step, right middle guarding with fore arm
L Stance

Right foot back to ready position

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