Choong Moo (1st Kup) Pattern
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Choong Moo (1st Kup)

normal speed

slow speed
30 Movements
Parallel Ready Stance
Direction | Technique | Stance |
← | Left twin knife hand block | L Stance |
← | High front strike with the right knife hand while bring the left back hand in front of the forehead | Walking Stance |
→ | Right middle guarding block with knife hand | L Stance |
→ | High thrust with left flat fingertips | Walking Stance |
↑ | Left middle guarding block with knife hand | L Stance |
○ | Turn to face the back, position for right side kick | Bending Ready |
○ | Middle side kick with the right foot | |
○ | Lower the right foot, turn to face the front, left middle guarding block with knife hand | L Stance |
↑ | Step right foot forward, jumping off the right foot execute a flying side kick, landing middle guarding with right knife hand | L Stance |
→ | Turn counter clockwise execute a left low block with the outer fore arm | L Stance |
○ | Slip the front leg forward, extending the hands as to grab an opponents head | Walking Stance |
○ | Execute and upward kick with the right knee pulling the hands downward | |
← | Lower the right foot to the left foot, extend the left foot forward, executing a high front strike with the right reverse knife hand bringing the left back hand under the right elbow | Walking Stance |
← | High turning kick with the right foot, then lower to left foot | |
○ | Execute a middle back piercing kick with the left foot | |
→ | Lower the left foot while executing a right middle guarding block with fore arm | L Stance |
Left middle turning kick | ||
↓ | Lower the left foot to the right foot, move right foot forward executing a U shaped block | Fixed Stance |
○ | Jump and spin counter clockwise executing a right middle guarding block with knife hand | L Stance |
↓ | Left leg forward execute a low thrust with the right upset fingertips bringing the left fist in front of the right chest | Walking Stance |
○ | Slip the left leg, right back fist left low block still facing the same direction | L Stance |
↓ | Right middle thrust with straight fingertips | Walking Stance |
← | Turn counter clockwise, left high double fore arm block | Walking Stance |
← | Right middle front block with the right forearm and then high side strike with right back fist | Sitting Stance |
→ | Turn counter clockwise, right middle side piercing kick lowering the foot in front | |
→ | Left middle side piercing kick, lower the left foot in front | |
← | Adjust the right foot execute a middle checking block with X knife hand | L Stance |
← | Upward block with twin palm | Walking Stance |
→ | Zero truss, rising block with the right fore arm | Walking Stance |
○ | Reverse middle punch with left fore fist | Walking Stance |
Left foot back to ready position