March Grading
Our First Action Packed Grading for 2024
What a great grading day yesterday!
Well done to all the students who got up on the floor and gave it their best. For some a nerve racking experience, but you did it anyway.
To all the parents, carers and guardians who got their children there, well done to you too. It’s a continual partnership between you and us to help your children achieve great things. Getting your children ready and to the grading is one thing, but tirelessly doing that each and every week is another.
To the successful black belt applicants, a big congratulations. Try, try and try again and your efforts have paid off. A big achievement. Many a time we have seen students almost make it to black belt, but quit when it gets tough. But not you. Despite injuries and setbacks, twice, three times you haven’t given up. Congratulations and welcome to our ranks.
Instructors look forward to seeing you at class this week and handing out results. Don’t be like everyone else and sit at home. Don’t be the one sitting and watching, be the one doing and achieving, like our new black belts.
PUBLIC HOLIDAY: Don’t forget next Monday the 11th of March is a public holiday meaning no training this Saturday or next Monday so we encourage you to make up the class this week or next at one of our many locations.
See you at training this week.
Chief Instructor Alex