March Grading

Our First Action Packed Grading for 2023

What a grading!

Well done to all the students who attended Sunday, got up and did their grading and did so in front of their peers, instructors and spectators. It can be a daunting experience so well done to you. Instructors look forward to handing out results this week so make sure you attend.

Parents, careers and guardians well done to you too. It can be challenging to tirelessly get your children to class each and every week with washed and ironed uniforms. It’s a partnership between us and you to continue to help your children achieve great things in life so well done to you for your efforts.

Pass or fail training continues. Don’t be like everyone else and quit when faced with a setback. Sometimes the biggest challenges in life become the greatest lessons. Many of our best black belts are only the best because they had to fail first and then come back bigger, better, faster and stronger.

Continue to train hard and you will reap the rewards.

We look forward to seeing you at class this week.

See you on the floor.

Chief Instructor Alex

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Chief Instructor Alex Benson


Chief Instructor Alex Benson

With over 20yrs of Taekwondo experience, Chief Instructor Alex Benson leads Australia’s leading martial arts school Action Tae Kwon-Do.

Action Tae Kwon-Do offers 55+ classes a week for children, teenagers and adults across multiple different locations around the North and South sides of Canberra, Queanbeyan and Jerrabomberra as well as many locations in Hobart.

Action Tae Kwon-Do also offers a number of lunchtime and after school programs for children to make attending easy.

Browse through our website for further info on our programs.

Book now and start your journey with us today.

You can learn more about our instructors by clicking on the button below.

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