
5 Steps to Find the Best Canberra Martial Arts School

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Action Tae Kwon-Do

How to Find the Best Martial Arts in Canberra

Martial arts is more than just a form of self-defence. It is a way of life that teaches discipline, respect, and self-control. In Canberra, there are numerous martial arts styles and schools to choose from. Often times a parent will ask which martial arts style and/or school is right for them.

I respond by informing the parent that it’s more about the professionalism of the school that ultimately counts. The level of training and experience of the instructors, the convenience of the locations and the cost benefits to the family and student. 

It can be difficult to choose a Canberra martial arts school so I put together this handy article for some guidance on ideas for how to figure it out.

Action Tae Kwon-Do Classes

Here at Action Tae Kwon-Do we have over 35 years experience providing high quality martial arts training in Taekwondo across the Canberra region.

Action Tae Kwon Do offers a variety of classes for all ages, from tigers classes for kids aged 3-5 years old, children’s classes for kids aged 5-12 years old to adult & teenager classes. We also offer lunchtime and after school programs for children aged 5-12 years old to make attending easy.

With our experienced and dedicated instructors, multiple locations all over the North and South sides of Canberra, Queanbeyan and Jerrabomberra across 6 days a week it is no wonder that for over 350 students, Action Tae Kwon-Do is their go-to martial arts school in Canberra.

Please note that unlike other martial art schools our classes are age specific and children and adults learn in seperate classes not together. We are also a pay as you go school with no contracts, payment plans or direct debits to make it easy for families.

Canberra Martial Arts for 3-5yr olds

For 3-5 year old children, martial arts can be an incredibly beneficial activity that promotes physical fitness, discipline, and self-confidence. Starting martial arts at an early age can help young children get involved in participating with others, building confidence in groups and start general fitness that will be helpful for many other sports and activities in their life.

At Action Tae Kwon Do in Canberra, children as young as three can participate in our tigers 3-5yrs classes, which is specifically designed to meet the needs of preschool-aged children.

The tigers program incorporates fun games and exercises that teach basic martial arts techniques while also improving important skills like coordination, balance and fine and gross motor skills. The classes encourage listening and learning which are vital to the start of preschool and eventually kindergarten.

Finding a martial arts school that offers a program for your 3-5yr old can be a great way to help them in their early learning stages.

Canberra Martial Arts for 5-12yr olds

For 5-12 year old children, martial arts can provide similar benefits to those in the tigers program, but with a greater emphasis on technique and skill development. Action Tae Kwon Do offers classes for children in this age group that are designed to be both challenging and fun. These classes teach kicks, punches, patterns, non-contact sparring as well as general fitness.

In addition to physical fitness and skill development, martial arts can also teach children important values such as perseverance, self-discipline, confidence and respect for others. These are all traits that can help children succeed both in and out of the gym especially at primary school.

For 5-12yr olds here at Action Tae Kwon-Do we offer a variety of classes to suit families. We offer a number of evening and Saturday morning classes as well as lunchtime and after school programs to make attending easy.

You can view a full timetable of all our Canberra classes here.

Like above, taking up a martial arts program for your child can be of great benefit for them. Many a time a parent has commented to me on how valuable our classes are for their family. From helping with basic things like manners, reinforcing positive morals and listening to helping overcome bullying, our classes are not just about the kicking and punching.

Canberra Martial Arts for Adults & Teenagers

For adults and teenagers, martial arts can be an incredibly rewarding activity that promotes physical fitness, stress relief, confidence and self-defence skills. Whether you are looking to get in shape or learn a new skill, Action Tae Kwon Do offers classes that are suitable for all skill levels.

Martial arts training can also provide a sense of community and camaraderie, as students work together to improve their skills and achieve their goals. Learning a martial art in a strict environment with professional instructors (like at Action Tae Kwon-Do) can be of great benefit as it allows the student to focus, not get distracted and learn valuable skills.

We all know how positive regular exercise can be for us. Couple that with learning a complex life skill like a martial art and this can be a really positive way to spend an hour or two each week.

For information on our adult and teenager classes click here.

5 Steps to choosing the best Canberra Martial Arts School

So, now you have an idea of how valuable a martial art can be, how do you choose a martial arts school in Canberra that is right for you, your teenager or your child?

Here are some steps to help you figure this out:

1. Research your options – Look online for martial arts schools in your area and read reviews from current and former students. Check out the Action Tae Kwon-Do website or social media to learn more about our classes and programs.

2. Visit the school – Once you have identified a few potential schools, schedule a visit to try out a class or two. This will give you a better sense of the school’s culture and teaching style. Are the classes run by professional instructors? Are children and adults in the same or seperate classes? Children and adults are in seperate classes atAction Tae Kwon-Do.

3. Talk to the instructors – Take the opportunity to speak with the instructors at each school you visit. Ask about their teaching philosophy and experience working with students of different ages and skill levels.

4. Consider class schedules and pricing – Make sure that the class schedule and pricing structure work for your needs and budget. Are you locked into a contract with a direct debit or is it pay as you go like at Action Tae Kwon-Do.

5. Trust your instincts – Ultimately, the decision of which martial arts school to choose comes down to personal preference. Trust your instincts and choose the school that feels like the best fit for you or your child. If it doesn’t work out you can always give us a call.

Martial arts can be an incredibly beneficial activity for people of all ages. Whether you are looking to improve your physical fitness, develop new skills, or even just gain some confidence, there are classes and programs available at Action Tae Kwon-Do in Canberra that can help you achieve your goals.

By following the steps above, you can find a Canberra martial arts school that is the right fit for you, your teenager or your child.

Keen to try out a class with us?

Book now or give us a call and we’ll be in touch.

Canberra Martial Arts FAQ’s

Our Classes

View info on our classes for children, teenagers and adults.

Our Locations

View our multiple locations across the Canberra, Queanbeyan and Jerrabomberra.

Chief Instructor Alex Benson


Chief Instructor Alex Benson

With over 20yrs of Taekwondo experience, Chief Instructor Alex Benson leads Australia’s leading martial arts school Action Tae Kwon-Do.

Action Tae Kwon-Do offers 55+ classes a week for children, teenagers and adults across multiple different locations around the North and South sides of Canberra, Queanbeyan and Jerrabomberra as well as many locations in Hobart.

Action Tae Kwon-Do also offers a number of lunchtime and after school programs for children to make attending easy.

Browse through our website for further info on our programs.

Book now and start your journey with us today.

You can learn more about our instructors by clicking on the button below.

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