August Grading
Our Third Action packed grading for 2023
What an excellent grading!
Well done to all the hardworking students, parents and carers who attended yesterday. Despite a last minute venue change we all made it work. To the 300+ students who got up on the floor and gave it their best, well done to you.
To all the parents, carers and guardians who got their children there, well done to you too. It’s a continual partnership between you and us to help your children achieve great things. Getting your children ready and to the grading is one thing, but tirelessly doing that each and every week is another.
To the successful black belt applicants, another well done to you too. Years of hard work, set-backs and challenges have culminated in you now earning and wearing an Action Tae Kwon-Do black belt. Congratulations. Myself and the Instructors look forward to seeing you regularly training with us, the other black belts and at black belt training. The real fun now begins.
Instructors look forward to seeing you at class this week and handing out results. Sure, it’s cold, but the heaters are on and the gym is warm. Don’t be like everyone else and sit at home. Don’t be the one sitting and watching, be the one doing and achieving.
See you at training this week.
Chief Instructor Alex
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