Instructor Seth Boxx

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Instructor Seth Boxx

 Seth Boxx

Instructor of Action
Tae Kwon-Do

Instructor of Kambah, Gilmore and Denman Prospect

I started training with Action Tae Kwon Do because I wanted to challenge myself in a way I never had before, martial arts. I have enjoyed every class since I started, I can honestly say that no class has been dull or forgettable. Each class has taught me something new and fun, but it is the life lessons from the Instructors that I most value and cannot find in an ordinary gym.

Achieving my black belt was no easy task, it took many years and many devoted hours. Becoming an Instructor was no easy task either, but all the hard work paid off when Chief Instructor Alex Benson, handed me my Instructor belt. Now that I have joined the Instructor ranks I look forward to training and inspiring the next generation of Action Tae Kwon-Do students.

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